Since Thanksgiving is approaching my Time Project piece was influenced by holiday memories, not from a moment observed in the present. I think of my mother especially because the meal preparation was so important an expression of who she was - or wanted to be. And I love this little picture I have of her which was damaged by a cigarette burn, but thankfully her sweet face was spared. Kay Dolezal
Here is what I did for week #12. This is a seed pod from a clematis plant I have by my side door. A couple of days after I photogaphed it I noticed it had gotten fuzzy so I decided to include that image as well into the design. The Time Project is teaching me to see what I have not really looked at before. Kay Dolezal
This is a collage of cell phone images as I take walks through the fall landscape. I had said I would try to get a grid in each week for the Time Project and a soccer net came in handy to provide that. Kay Dolezal
This haiga was prompted by the return to Standard Time mandated this weekend. It seemed like I had to use that event. And I had some left over images to collage and play with in Photoshop. Kay Dolezal