To my surprise and delight this photograph of mine was one of three juror's choices in the Platinum Show at the Cambridge Art Association.
It was one of those times when something I was looking at suddenly called for photography and this time one of the shots worked to my satisfaction. I have found that reflections and the background of my house capture my interest. I call this one Selfie 01.
I've been having fun with the computer and photographs. I had seen Sister Wendy Beckett on PBS talking about and showing a Rembrandt called "An Old Woman Reading" so I took another selfie in Photo Booth of my own version.
I learned from studying poetry that this is called ekphrasis from the Greek. I was pleased that I got Sister Wendy in there too. She's been a lovely surprise in the short TV pieces where she visits and interprets art in various museums.
I thank that's all for today.