Monday, April 04, 2011

April 2011

This piece seemed to make itself.  I was working myself up to doing my taxes by sorting out the various paperwork items I'd received, when I happened to notice the different patterns on the inside of the window envelopes they came in.  They gave me the perfect diversion from the main task and one thing led to another. Then, I impulsively tried one of the filters in Photoshop Elements and it changed the color scheme to one I much preferred.  I don't understand how it changed the colors but they seemed to reflect early spring more than what I had before.  I'll show the Time Travelers at the next meeting what I had before and also  the envelopes.  Kay Dolezal

1 comment:

Sandie Fenton said...

Kay: I love this piece - the colors and juxtaposition to one another, the marks, and the repetitive use of time in the haiga. Bravo.